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The Health Whisperer

¡Golosinas, golosinas, golosinas!

Precio habitual $10.95 USD
Precio habitual Comparar con $14.95 USD Precio de venta $10.95 USD
Los gastos de envío se calculan en la pantalla de pago.

Probadas en cuanto a calidad y seguridad, estas golosinas se eligen específicamente para funcionar con nuestras LICK LICK PADS y nuestros ¡Trate los juguetes de rompecabezas como TOPPL, QUIZL, TUX, RUMBLE, SPIN FLYING DISC y SMARTYPAWS ROMPECABEZAS! ¡Hecho en los EE. UU., de origen sustentable y con ingredientes únicos o limitados para entusiasmar a cualquier mascota! Son producidos por una Corporación B certificada, lo que significa que cumplen con los más altos estándares de desempeño social y ambiental, transparencia y responsabilidad para equilibrar las ganancias y el propósito. 

¡Estamos especialmente entusiasmados con las golosinas cremosas para perros completamente renovadas! No solo son adecuados para untar en nuestras LICK LICK PADS , sino que también pueden usarse en nuestros Treat Puzzle Toys e incluso mezclarse con nuestras golosinas secas para hacerlos un poco más divertidos y desafiantes de sacar de los Treat Puzzle Toys. ¡Nuestro fabricante nos escuchó y creó delicias cremosas nutritivas de alimentos integrales sin rellenos ni aditivos! Una mejora gourmet saludable, perfecta para esconder juguetes de golosinas, adornar la cena o recompensar a los niños y niñas más buenos en el camino. Nutrición sencilla empaquetada en una bolsa que no ensucia para disfrutar de un tratamiento feliz. Son simplemente ingredientes cremosos de alimentos reales , sin azúcar, sin xilitol, sin conservantes, sin edulcorantes artificiales (ni nada artificial) , solo nutrición sólida y simple para un tratamiento feliz. ¡Y son estables en almacenamiento y no requieren refrigeración!

Comencemos con golosinas cremosas para perros con mantequilla de nueces, arándanos y semillas de chía . A los humanos les encanta la mantequilla de nueces, ¡y a los perros también! Estos se mezclan con maní recién molido, almendras, anacardos, arándanos y chía, todo en un dispensador que no ensucia. Tiene un alto contenido de antioxidantes y vitaminas y minerales que estimulan el sistema inmunológico y es una gran fuente de ácidos grasos Omega 3 saludables que combaten la inflamación.

Luego, están las golosinas cremosas para perros con mantequilla de nueces, camote, semillas de chía y canela . Mezclado con maní recién molido, almendras, anacardos, camote y chía con un toque de canela, todo en un dispensador que no ensucia. Tiene un alto contenido de antioxidantes y vitaminas y minerales que estimulan el sistema inmunológico y es una gran fuente de ácidos grasos Omega 3 saludables que combaten la inflamación; Repleto de vitamina B para ayudar a afrontar el estrés cotidiano.

¡Y no nos olvidemos de las golosinas cremosas para perros con mantequilla de maní y plátano (para todos los cachorros amantes de Elvis)! A los perros les encanta la mantequilla de maní y a nosotros nos encanta tratarla con una mejora gourmet saludable: mantequilla de maní hecha con maní recién molido y un beso de dulzura de plátanos reales. Alto contenido de potasio para el equilibrio de electrolitos y desarrollo muscular, y repleto de vitamina B6 y vitamina C para inmunidad.

¿Quieres más crujiente para tu cachorro? Entonces, ¡pruebe nuestras golosinas para perros de hígado de res crudo liofilizado 100% alimentado con pasto! Tienen una textura ligeramente más dura para fomentar la masticación, pero se pueden dividir en tamaños más pequeños, ¡perfectos para guardar dentro de los juguetes de rompecabezas TOPPL o QUIZL que se venden en otras partes de este sitio web!

No podemos dejar que un buen corazón se desperdicie, por lo que obtenemos esta carne de órganos culinarios subestimada para liofilizarla y convertirla en delicias sabrosas y nutritivas respetuosas con el planeta. De hecho, esta delicia de un solo ingrediente es todo corazón: corazón de res crudo liofilizado 100% natural, criado con bondades alimentadas con pasto.

¿A tu cachorro le encanta sostener y masticar? Como alternativa a los palitos de matón y otras golosinas similares, nuestras golosinas para perros con forma de corazón de bisonte secado al aire le dan a su perro mucho tiempo para roer y consumir estas barritas de proteína pura. Hecho 100 % de corazón de bisonte criado humanamente (criado en pastos) y de origen sostenible en los EE. UU. y Canadá.

Los perros iniciarán su propia estampida si eso significa que pueden llegar a estas golosinas más rápido. Nuestras golosinas para perros con pulmón de bisonte secas al aire tienen una textura masticable pero resistente y son fáciles de dividir en bocadillos más pequeños. El bisonte es naturalmente rico en proteínas, vitaminas B y ácidos grasos omega 3, pero bajo en grasas. Estas majestuosas bestias criadas en pastos se obtienen de forma sostenible en EE. UU. y Canadá.

¡Pruebe nuestras NUEVAS golosinas para perros con pulmón de res secado al aire ! Son trozos sabrosos de bondad saludable que son fáciles de romper en trozos más pequeños para mordiscos de entrenamiento. Los perros merecen golosinas saludables y el pulmón de res les ofrece precisamente eso: proteínas, vitaminas B y minerales, todos obtenidos de manera sostenible y criados humanamente, a partir de carne de res 100% estadounidense alimentada con pasto.


TriMoringa™ BALANCE: Perfect Nutrition for People!

At The Health Whisperer™, we strive to create products to enhance our lives and those of our pets.  In considering the healthiest and most beneficial approach, we often find ourselves dissecting what’s wrong with other products to arrive at what we should do for the good of mankind and petkind.  Our newest product, TriMoringa™ BALANCE is the long-awaited culmination of just this sort of analysis.  We compared every other moringa-based product about which we’ve ever known, and can say, without a shred of doubt, there is nothing available, past or current, to compare with the pure nutrition and goodness of TriMoringa™ BALANCE.  Here’s why:

Over the years, we’ve wrestled with the concept that moringa is so wonderful and balancing that mixing it with just about anything was probably OK.  After all, it’s really tough to get humans to consume anything that doesn’t have an overtly pleasant taste, and unfortunately, moringa just doesn’t!  It’s very “Green” tasting, and sort of bitter, so a commitment to using it every day as a part of our nutritional routine is tough unless we do something to improve the taste.  All companies so far have overcome that problem by pouring their products full of sugar and most add ingredients to up the content of caffeine for a little “kick.”  Well… sugar IS natural, but it is also a source of inflammation, which is, in turn, the source of all disease!  And caffeine is potentially deadly, so we were determined that, no matter the cost or time it took, we would develop a formula that didn’t rely on sugar and caffeine to make it palatable or even delicious enough so that people would crave it every day!  But we didn’t stop there. 

Characteristics of TriMoringa™ BALANCE:

  • Whole Food
  • Non-GMO
  • 100% Vegan
  • 100% Drug-Free
  • Phyto-Nutrition
  • Gluten Free
  • Dairy Free
  • Wheat Free
  • Corn Free
  • No Additives
  • No added Caffeine
  • No Sugar Added
  • No Yeast
  • No Soy
  • No Artificial Sweeteners
  • No Animal Products

Did you know that the FDA has now given “Caffeine Withdrawal” an actual medical diagnosis because of its danger and negative effects on the body and brain?  So, we weren’t about to bring to market just another product to trick you into thinking you were having a good response just because you were stimulated by addictive and dangerous drugs like caffeine and sugar!  Here are just a few of the negative traits of caffeine and the damage it causes. 


  • Is a poison – it kills insects and plants
  • Causes anxiety
  • Causes hypertension
  • Causes panic attacks
  • Increases cardiac risk
  • Negatively affects sleep quality
  • Causes adrenal stress/Adrenal exhaustion
  • Increases cortisol levels – contributing to numerous negative health effects, including weight gain
  • Constricts blood vessels to the brain
  • Increases stress
  • Causes bloating, especially in the morning
  • Negatively affects the gut microbiome
  • Causes the detox pathway of the liver to become stressed
  • Activates “Fight or Flight” response (It is not actually ENERGY one feels, it is the activation of the Central Nervous System (CNS). People misread this damaging response as energy.
  • Its buildup creates a slow death of the CNS and the entire body.
  • It destroys the adrenals, whose job is to maintain Homeostasis, or a state of balance, of the body. 

In formulating this product, as with all our products, we use a multi-step process in evaluating ingredients.  Does it:

  • Have long-term potentially negative side-effects (like caffeine)?
  • Have a potent bad taste that would be too difficult to cover with natural flavoring?
  • Have a constitution that would simply be too difficult to blend?
  • Come at a price and/or availability that would keep it out of reach of most?
  • Make you feel better almost immediately?
  • Have the potential to stimulate sensitivities or allergies?

So, after all this research and testing, what you have is the very best formulation to provide moringa in its simplest form to truly provide all its protective benefits, with none of the damaging ones other products have included.  It’s crucial that we are allowed to experience the pure goodness of this “Miracle Tree,” for many reasons:

Moringa is literally the most nutritious plant that grows on the face of the earth.  Various parts of the tree contain different compounds and nutrients that, together, outperform any other superfood.  However, it’s important to recognize the value of combining those compounds for the most efficacious use.  For instance, moringa leaves are in ample supply in the supplement market.  They are amazing in the nutrients they bring, along with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant support.

However, in order to receive the full benefits from moringa, one would have to consume nearly a tree’s worth of leaves!  But, when combined with seedcake powder and powder derived from the fruit of the tree, you arrive at an efficient combination that allows a reasonable consumption with amazing benefits!  Because, while both the leaves and the seed pod cake provide immense benefits in the control of inflammation, and the rebalancing of bodily operations and functions, the fruit shows specific activity surpassing that of both these primary components.

Moringa Oleifera reduces inflammation because of its concentration of phenolic glycosides, and in studies of the fruit alone, it was found that the fruit introduces three new phenolic glycosides, bringing even more anti-inflammatory power. Moringa Oleifera also employs a unique mechanism for reducing inflammation that manages nitric oxide release, and the fruit has been shown to perform at the highest activity level in the regulation and management of nitric oxide release.

The Fruit also contains compounds proven to be more anti-viral than other components of the plant.

In a study comparing Moringa Oleifera fruit with various anti-hyperlipaemic agents (medicines used for the treatment and control of coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, atherosclerosis, etc.), the leaves alone showed valid pharmacological applications. But, when the fruit was added, not only was greater lipid lowering activity confirmed, but the ability to rebalance cholesterol levels was enhanced to a level greater than even the pharmacological drugs created for this purpose.

And when formulated simply, providing only a few added ingredients targeted to specific purposes (gut health and palatability), you get the full benefits with none of the downsides.

TriMoringa™ BALANCE was formulated to ensure synergy among all ingredients, providing the body the ability to greatly assist itself in the processes of detoxification, restoration, immune system modulation, and overall balance and support.

The bio-active and bio-available compounds provide a rich source of vitamins, minerals, omegas, fiber, proteins, antioxidants, amino acids, and more.  You can feel your body retraining itself to balance its functions and resist inflammation which can lead to unhealthy conditions.  The synergistic blend of our Organically-grown Multi-Strain Probiotic formula and Organic, active enzymes assists the body with gut health, better digestion and overall resistance to disease.*

So, enjoy this amazing new product as it assists your body.  Mix a single pack with 8 to 18oz. of water, or with any favorite beverage that might be enhanced by the lemony flavor of our product.  Use as much as you need for your goals!  Just a few of the many benefits are listed below.  Try it for yourself and understand why “Our Roots are in The Miracle Tree.”

  • Strengthens & Supports a healthy immune system
  • Promotes healthy detox
  • Contains 92 verifiable nutrients, 46 antioxidants, and 36 anti-inflammatory compounds plus a 3-way digestive complex of Probiotics, Prebiotics & Enzymes
  • Delicious lemony flavor from all-natural ingredients and NO SUGAR!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.