PetMoringa™ BALANCE Product Testimonials
Here are just a few of our amazing customer testimonials for PetMoringa™ BALANCE, or PMB as many call it, with ample comments supporting the success of following Cathy's nutritional recommendations! For more, visit our Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/petmoringa
Myra Jennings Watson
My Yorkies are 16 months old and have been giving them PetMoringa™ BALANCE for 7 months. My male was limping yesterday, and after giving him a paste of RGM and PMB, he was walking normally within an hour!! Both of them love it!!! I wish I had known about this amazing powder years ago when we had Yorkies and miniature wire-haired dachshunds. I ran to the vet all the time!!! When you know better, you do better!!!
If it weren't for Cathy's Facebook group my pups wouldn't be living their best lives. Howie (6 years) the Morkie mix on the left and Hazel (1 year) my Chi-Pom-Yorkie are so extremely healthy.
Howie suffered from seizures for almost 4 years and the vet couldn't figure out if he had a shunt, if he was allergic to something or if he had a heart problem. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my vet and he supports my decisions. He's given me his blessing to keep doing what I'm doing. I found Cathy's group about a year plus ago and since Day 1 of changing his diet to species-appropriate raw, using PetMoringa™ BALANCE, discontinuing flea meds, no more kibble and following the guides he hasn't had 1 seizure! His teeth are sparkling white and his tartar has almost completely disappeared. His skin and coat are silky shiny (don't mind his scruff) and has the energy of Hazel. Oh, and can I say he had a noticeable patella issue where he'd skip a lot... I can't tell you the last time I've seen him do that unless he has a piece of grass on his paw fur.
Once I rescued Hazel I immediately switched her diet without transitioning and she's thriving.

Katie is 14 years old with a collapsed trachea. She had fourteen teeth removed and was back to her old self with no coughing or sluggishness from the procedure the following day, thanks to PetMoringa™ BALANCE. I am now giving my 3 cats the same royal treatment.
PetMoringa™ BALANCE has helped all my babies so much and I can’t thank Cathy enough for this product!!

My 2 chihuahuas (Chewy and Chubs) are happy and healthy and they get a small dose every day to help stay that way.
My 1 yr old Belgian malinois is healthy and very active here on the farm with me and she also gets it everyday! She looks and feels amazing.

Stella Gracie hurt her paw Tuesday morning. We looked and it appeared to not have any puncture wounds, just extremely swollen. No real idea what happened to it. She was unable to walk on it. It was red and very swollen. I made a paste of the PetMoringa™ BALANCE and put as much as I could on her gums. Then I put more of the paste on her paw, to draw anything toxic or foreign out. She also got extra doses added to her raw food and goats milk through out the day when she ate. By Wednesday 10 pm I noticed, out of nowhere, her messing with her paw. It was now like a big boil about to bust. Sure enough, we drained it and cleaned it and she slept through the night. It looks so much better . So much of the inflammation is down and she is now walking on it. I highly recommend to always keep extra on hand. We Love PetMoringa™ BALANCE!
Julie Strickland Ferris

I just wanted to write a quick note for those that are on the fence. I have been giving PetMoringa™ BALANCE to my 13 year old bearded Collie...just a sprinkle a day with his food (which he now won't eat should I forget that sprinkle)...happy to report he has gotten his hearing back...his bounce in his steps are back and he just behaves like a puppy again...I can't believe this stuff but it should be sold in every pet store around the world. I watched it go from zero to 100 with my tiny Yorkie and my big guy is proof that whatever is in this pudding is phenomenal!!! Thank you Cathy for your hard work, dedication and just overall giving a hoot about our pets, even if some of us are hesitant about some lady who got her start on Facebook...once they get over that, like I did, we just feel blessed. Thank you, God Bless
Sue Renaud-Smith
PetMoringa™ BALANCE to prepare her for surgery. She came through with flying colors. The first day she was down a lot because of anesthesia wearing off. I did not use any of the pills the vet prescribed -- they went in the garbage. By the next day she was playing -- eating and trying to jump up and down on the sofa!!!

Susan Calvert
I wish all of you could see the incredible change this product has made in my Lucy’s life! She’s 8 years old and has arthritis in her hips. She had trouble standing on linoleum floors and balked at going down stairs. It broke my heart to see her struggle and I knew I could do better for her. I trusted the testimonials and all of Cathy’s research.

Maria Giordano Schiavo
Cindy Rossi Tulpa

My 12 year old, 10 lb. rat terrier, my baby, has had very elevated liver values on her blood work for the last 6 months. At one point they were dropping but then I tried another product and they climbed again to new heights. I have been researching many products, listened to hundreds of podcasts, or so it seems. Whenever I sat down to relax with my iPad I ended up looking up new info and taking notes for hours. I felt like I had a good plan here the last couple of months. I have been using at least 16 products, all in rotation on a calendar, along with about 6 different raw foods -- all top notch raw foods, mind you. I even began making her food because so many places told me to cut out this add that etc. I drove myself crazy.
Well, to make this long story short, and after hundreds of dollars spent on products, a friend that is probably tired of me asking her a ton of questions, suggested I do a consultation with Cathy. Today I feel like I dropped a ton of weight (even though the scale says otherwise LOL). Through my consult with Cathy, I cleaned out all 18 products and put them in a big storage container. Cathy showed me how most of the products I was using actually were doing more harm than good, and working against each other. Many were probably building up toxins in my dog’s body rather than removing them. Her liver is stressed from trying to cleanse the body. Like Cathy said, “most of my money is being pooped out in my yard because the liver cannot possibly filter all that out.” Belle’s body was stressed from it all. Something along those lines anyway.
So today and for the next 3 months I only will use the PMB, a bit of goat's milk, and many of the recommended raw foods Cathy recommends. I cried when I got off the phone. I have been so stressed and I finally have a PLAN! The PMB has omegas, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and everything my dogs need in one container (rather than 18, many with synthetics that I did not realize).
I will detox the crap out of Belle’s cells with the PetMoringa™ BALANCE, feed her simply and cleanly and report to you the results of her next lab work up in 3 months.
Oh I almost forgot….today when I fed my 3 pups, (2 of which are semi-picky) they ate like there was no tomorrow! PMB, one tbs. of goat's milk and the raw food. They love it. I really didn’t expect this. The nice thing is that it didn’t take forever to prep their meal. Now my only problem is going to be what in the world will I do with all my time. LOL Thank you Cathy❤️ I also ordered 3 containers of PetMoringa™ BALANCE.

Kim Halfen
My beautiful girl was toxic from being over-vaccinated. She was given a combo 5 in 1 shot (without my knowledge). I was told it was a single distemper vaccination. Her blood work showed anemia, high WBC, kidneys and liver affected, etc., while all other tests were negative for any bacteria, viruses, infections and so on. I gave her some PetMoringa™ BALANCE, and within 36 hrs., her blood work greatly improved. I will be giving this supplement to both of my dogs from now on.

I have two dogs, a nearly 3 year old poodle, Nala and a 10 month old aussidoodle, Diesel. My babies are my whole world! I’m so thankful to personally know Cathy because she was a blessing in this whole process! At the time, my life was already super chaotic and unfortunately my dad was on a ventilator due to COVID (he is awake and home and healthy now) and then my poodle Nala was already going through stomach issues and eating the most random items ever! She ended up getting into my stepmoms garbage can and ate a piece of her CPAP machine! This was so nerve-racking, but I gave it some time to see what might happen, and she ended up not eating for the next two days, so off to the emergency vet we went. She wound up having exploratory bowel surgery, at which point she was diagnosed with IBD. I had joined Cathy's pet group on Facebook (if you haven't, do!), and dug into the Guides there, and learned that IBD is completely manageable, and can possibly be eliminated, by a species-appropriate diet that will naturally control inflammation. I ditched the kibble and embraced a raw diet, and added PetMoringa™ BALANCE, not only for Nala, but for Diesel too.
Needless to say, the results have been amazing. Poor Nala had suffered with diarrhea and irregular bowel movements for 7 months straight, and in less than a week with this miracle product, she's back to normal! She's happy, healthy, and bouncing around like a puppy again! I will never not have a supply of PetMoringa™ BALANCE on hand, and the bonus is, my dogs LOVE it! They devour their meals when I add it! I know now they'll both live longer, healthier, and happier lives!
Sherry Phelps
PetMoringa™ BALANCE about 6 weeks ago I used a generous scoop 2 times a day. About 2 weeks ago, I stopped everything else but the PetMoringa™ BALANCE. I am pleased to report that the cyst is almost completely gone. If you didn't know where it was, you couldn't find it!! Thank you Cathy Gibson Lanier!!!
Holli Casciano

Millie Rodriguez
Boy do I have a testimony! So happy that my baby is feeling better that I cannot contain myself and have to share some progress! Niko was hospitalized on 3/6/22-3/9/22 because his kidney levels took a turn for the worse and they needed to give him IV hydration. He came home and didn't want to eat much so I made him home cooked meal and he started vomiting it up so I rushed him back to the vet on 3/11/22 and the doctor told me it was time to euthanize him. I consulted Cathy's FaceBook pet group and got some advice from her Guides there. And
Praise lord! I changed his diet to species-appropriate raw, put him on PetMoringa™ BALANCE, followed every step in the Guidelines this little 12 year-old boy is back to his old self and still pushing!
He was not eating, was weak, lethargic, and my heart was shattered when the vet told me that. But look at GOD working! Thank you Cathy!
PetMoringa™ BALANCE, he has been pain free. Kudos to Cathy and PetMoringa™ BALANCE!! I am a happy Mom!
PetMoringa™ BALANCE. I honestly recommend this miracle powder and thank God for Cathy and this group for helping me to find a product that has helped my Gracie!! And she loves it!!!

PMB is definitely a miracle in a jar!
I primarily joined Cathy's group for my one dog Kira (CKD and Pancreatitis). However being in the group, following the protocols and using PMB has been nothing short of a miracle for my one pooch, Cinnamon.
Eighteen months ago Cinnamon was diagnosed with asthmatic bronchitis (it's the same thing as COPD that humans get). This breathing disorder has been very debilitating for Cinnamon. If she took a few steps, like walking to her food/water bowl, she would be short of breath, and wheezing. Which deterred her from eating as much as she used to. She mostly just laid around.
I was giving her nebulizer treatments twice a day and she was on intermittent steroids treatment. I also had a rescue inhaler to use in between the nebulizer treatments. Which I had to use quite often.
Seven short weeks ago when I joined Cathy's group, after reading the species appropriate diet, I immediately switched Cinnamon from the raw she was eating to Primal, added PMB and RGM. Three weeks after I began the protocol, I noticed Cinnamon was eating her food, both breakfast and dinner consistently. The best part is she wasn't so out of breath and I didn't hear much wheezing. With each passing day she's been improving, including her energy level.
Two weeks ago, Cinnamon had her routine follow-up and my Vet was astonished. She couldn't believe what she saw on the x-rays. My Vet thought the x-ray machine was faulty, so, she took the x-rays all over again. She was amazed, Cinnamon's air vessels were complete open. No signs of asthmatic bronchitis. She told me to stop the daily nebulizer treatments and only use it as needed.
Have I mentioned PMB is a miracle in a jar recently???
It's Kira's turn now to shine as she is reaping the benefits of this amazing healing miracle in a jar called PMB. She was diagnosed with Pancreatitis (8/2020) and CKD(5/2022). I was shown how to give subqs and was told to give her 100ccs a day. Kira seemed to be in so much pain, and weak at times that she could hardly stand, much less walk.
On September 2nd, Kira's BUN was 120, CRE was 4.1 SDMA was 21 and BUN/CRE ratio was 45. It was a battle from May until September and when these numbers showed up on the bi-monthly blood work, I was told to start saying my good-byes. I'm a half glass full kinda gal and believe, where there's life, there's hope.
A couple of weeks after this blood work was done, I saw a Facebook post about Pet Moringa Balance on my timeline. I went to the website, read about it and immediately purchased it. Then, I quickly found Cathy's group and joined. I started reading the guides, made my first post and Heather (one of our Consulting Affiliates) reached out and began helping me with where to start with the food. Thank you Heather.
I started following the protocols using Primal and Small Batch, both FD and frozen raw and Answers RGM. PMB was delivered on September 17th. I immediately started Kira on PMB. However, I was syringing it into her and pasting it into her gums, roof, and cheeks as she wouldn't go near her food with PMB on it.
Throughout October, It was touch and go with Kira's appetite but nevertheless, I still plugged away as I wasn't giving up. Sometimes she went several days in a row not eating. Even as much as 5 days at a time. Although, I never missed a day without giving her the PMB. On the days she refused to eat. I would double up, sometimes triple up even, including pasting it into her gums, roof of her mouth and cheeks. Towards the end of October she started to eat her food with PMB on it. I was so excited.
November 4 things changed even better. Kira began eating more frequently, and consistently both freeze dried in the AM and frozen raw in the PM and I always put 1/4 cup of filtered water per nugget, even the frozen nuggets. She is eating 2 nuggets at each meal. And dig this, she's eating both with PMB, RGM and ACV. I no longer had to syringe PMB into her. She literally was getting excited about eating again. I tested one meal and didn't put PMB on it, she refused to eat it until I added PMB. I thought, we making strides. Each day I see her improving. She even started to give her big sister Cinnamon kisses again. She hasn't done this since May.
Yesterday (11/23/22), she had an appointment in the evening to get her bi-monthly levels checked. The Tech took Kira in the back to draw blood, she brought Kira back to me on n the examination room and told me to sit tight as they are going to run the blood in their machine and she'll be back with the results. 20 minutes later, the Tech came back and said something went wrong and they have to re-stick Kira. So she took Kira in the back to draw blood again. This time she was gone a while and I started to worry. About 35 minutes later, my Vet comes into the examination room with Kira. I was even more worried now because usually it's the Tech that comes in to tell me the results.
My Vet was so amazed at the food that Kira is eating as she always pushes the prescription food and her next question to me was "Where in the world do you get this miracle stuff you've been using?" I gave her the Health Whisperer's website.
I am in tears right now as it's Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for. Kira is doing her moon hop again. I haven't seen her do this since she was diagnosed with Pancreatitis in 8/2020.